Caitlin ☆she/they | bi | 18 | infp☀︎ saggem ⬆︎ sag

likes! - books, stardew valley, tv/movies, animals, roleplaying

dislikes! - spiders, rude people, homophobes, racist

Don’t Follow If
problematic, toxic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, under 16 and over 20 (besides those i’m already following/following me), nsfw/gore accs, don’t put tw, hate on my interest

Before You Follow
i tweet about the current shows/movies i’m interested in, i use/need text tones, i might spam you if i wanna become friends so if that makes you uncomfortable let me know


comfort shows/movies
rise of the pink ladies, doctor who, the good place, brooklyn99, walker independence, the book of life, the mitchell’s vs the machine, pitch perfect, storks, image me & you, mcu, httyd, toh

character i relate to/kin
jane facciano, hazel robertson, luz noceda, carson shaw, eloise bridgerton, robin buckley, ava silva, kamala khan, daisy johnson, katie mitchell, amy santiago

janeolivia, lynthia, gretson, peraltiago, trueadair, penloise, thasmin, twelveclara, bechloe, lumity